Baltic accent

2014 Vol. 5 №3-4

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Anagrams in the discourse of baroque ‘tacit theology’: The case of the Königsberg poetic circle of the 17th century



The problem of anagrams is linked to the paradigm secret of baroque poetry. It is shown that the essence of this poetry is a special type of poetic mimesis reflecting the existential and ontological fracture of being, which manifests itself in the lyrical persona of the poetic subject. Anagrams of the names of 17th century Königsberg poets – Simon Dach, Robert Roberthin, and Andreas Adersbach – comprise an ironical baroque reflection of the new “tacit theology” of poetry, whose mimesis reveals the growing inadequacy of a human being to their true essence and the transition of the word to reaching its eschatological limits set in the Book of Revelation


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