Baltic accent

2014 Vol. 5 №3-4

Anagrammatic structures in the semiotic aspect


This article considers the functional features and deep cognitive foundations of ana¬grammatic structures in verbal texts. The traditional perspective on the phenomenon is defined as a general sign-based one: anagrammatic structures are examined in music and mathematics. It is concluded that anagrams are special cognitive universals; anagrammatic structures are possible in semiotic codes with a linear organisation; one of the key functions of anagrams is cognitive – linear texts are perceived as a whole

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Formalism in cinema: The case of Dziga Vertov (Kinopravda)


Based on ample documentary evidence, the author identifies the theoretical and metho¬dological principles behind the development of documentary films in post-Revolutionary Russia, as well as the principles of film text and the correlation between the visual imagery and the text. The role of Dziga Vertov in this process is emphasised. The author proves that Ver¬tov forestalled the development and organisation of modern news.

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