Baltic accent

2015 Vol. 6 №1

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The modifications of the fairy tale genre in the modern Czech literature: The case of A. Mikulka O jelenovi s kulometem and J. Černický’s O Sasance



Fairy tales by two Czech authors — J. Černický and A. Mikulka — are used to consider the problem of modification of the author’s fairy tale genre in the modern Czech literature. On the one hand, writers take into account the traditions of the 20th century Czech author’s fairy tale, which was developed by many other Czech authors. In Mikulka’s works, elements of folklore fairy tale are interpreted based on the principles of surrealism, grotesque, language game, and nonsense literature. On the other hand, modern author’s fairy tale interacts with the genres of legend, myth, parable, and literary phantasy (Černický).


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