Baltic accent

2015 Vol. 6 №1

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Radovan Karadžić’s All-Autumn poetry collection in the Serbian- Russian context



This article considers the content and style of R. Karadžić’s poetry and their multiaspect proximity to Russian poetry. Such features include philosophicity, special lyricism oriented to the existential feeling of the author, tragic perception of the world and the place of the persona in it. Moreover, it is humour and propensity for a paradox characteristic of folklore.


1.    Блок А. А. «Да. Так диктует вдохновенье…». URL: (дата обращения: 01.02.2015).
2.    Гумилев Н. С. Стихи. URL: (дата обращения: 01.02.2015).
3.    Караджич Р. Всеосень. М. ; Белград, 2004.
4.    Кузнецов Ю. П. Стихотворения и поэмы. М., 1990.