Baltic accent

2015 Vol. 6 №1

Freud’s cognitive and linguistic insights in the theory of dream interpretation


This article stresses the theoretical ‘touching points’ of S. Freud’s theory of dream in¬terpretation and modern cognitive linguistics. The authors stress the relevance of such lin¬guistic transformations as metaphor, metonymy, symbolisation, paronymy, homonymy, language game, and associative networks for Freud’s theory. Moreover, polysemy, initial context conditions, and the transfer of content from one coding into another — from the iconic image system into the symbolic conceptual one — also play an important role in dream interpretation. It is concluded that Freud anticipated key theoretical principles of modern cognitive linguistics.

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Linguistics and dream interpretation in C. G. Jung’s works: The discovery of the method


This article examines the mechanisms of dream interpretation used by C. G. Jung. It is shown that they differ in depth. The surface level of linguistic consciousness is the focus of paronomasic connections between words in dream descriptions. Deeper levels are targeted by semantic mechanisms: associative, metaphorical, and metonymical ones. In these conditions, of special importance is the interpretation of symbols. These mechanisms serve as the basis for C. G. Jung’s method of dream interpretation.

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The value fundamentals of the “we image” in Russian culture through the prism of mother-child communication


This article interprets the results of an analysis of communicative interaction between a mother and a child in the Russian national linguistic and cultural community. Based on the author’s video corpus of interactions in the mother-child dyads, a number of maternal communication techniques are identified, which are proven to be teleonomic using a cognitive discursive analysis. Using these techniques, mothers create value fundamentals of the Russian ethnic picture of the world in the cognitive experience of a child. The article examines verbal and non-verbal means of implementing such techniques and characterises the developed value fundamentals.

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