Baltic accent

2013 Vol. 4 №1

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V.Ye. Cheshikhin as a populariser of the Tristan and Iseult motif in Russian culture



This article examines the work of V.Ye. Cheshikhin as a translator, populariser, and interpreter of the legend of Tristan and Iseult — the basis of libretto to R. Wagner’s opera. The author identifies the basic assumptions of V.Ye. Cheshikhin’s critical concept: Wagner as an “interpreter of the old legend”, the connection between the Tristan and Iseult legend with the texts of Hellenic and Celtic cultures, the emphasis on the language component of the legend and opera, and the role of literary influences exerted on Wagner. The article analyses the use of the Tristan and Iseulte motif in the poetic works of Cheskhkhin.


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2. Круминя И. Всеволод Евграфович Чешихин : биографический очерк // Даугава. 1996. № 4.
3. Кузмин М. Избр. произведения. Л., 1990.
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7. Его же. Патриотические стихотворения. Рига, 1914.
8. Его же. Тристан и Изольда Вагнера // Артист. 1894. № 42.