Кантовский сборник

2013 Выпуск №4(46)

А. Шопенгауэр и И. Кант в философско-поэтическом мировоззрении А. А. Фета (окончание)


Анализируется роль философских идей И. Канта и А. Шопенгауэра в мировоззрении А. А. Фета. Доказывается, что поэт не был строгим последователем А. Шопенгауэра, поскольку учение немецкого пессимиста А. Фет воспринял cum grano salis. Влияние Канта на поэта было, по крайней мере, не меньшим.


The concluding part of the work focuses on the independence of A. A. Fet’s philosophical worldview strongly emphasised by the poet himself and his close friends. Although he quotes Schopenhauer and Kant, he criticised them and demonstrates an independent worldview. The author analyses the critique of Schopenhauer given in A. A. Fet’s letters. Three aspects are criticised: firstly, A. Schopenhauer’s idealism, secondly, agnosticism, and, thirdly, inconsistency, contradictions in the philosopher’s reasoning. A special section of the work is dedicated to the analysis of the poetic triptych consisting of three poems written in 1879—1880: “Nothingness”, “That is not why the Lord is mighty…”, and “Never”. Fet dedicated the triptych to criticising the principles of A. Schopenhauer’s philosophy. It is demonstrated that, although A. Schopenhauer finds mistakes in Kant’s works, A. A. Fet does not accept this criticism and criticises Schopenhauer from the perspective of critical philosophy. The author makes a conclusion that A. A. Fet was closer to Kantianism than Schopenhauerism.

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