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2019 Том 10 №1

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Подвижность границ в переводе новостей

The moving boundaries of news translation
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Начало более системного изучения перевода новостных текстов относится к 2000-х годам. С этого момента теория перевода расширяет границы исследования в поисках ответа на целый ряд вопросов: можно ли изучать многоязычные процессы, когда не обязательно имеется достоверно идентифицированный исходный текст? Если да, то какие тексты подвегаются сравнительному анализу? Можем ли мы назвать такой процесс переводом? Каким образом мультимодальность может быть интегрирована в традиционный анализ текста? В данной статье формулируются возможные ответы на эти и другие вопросы на основе недавных научных публикаций, посвященных данной теме. Перевод новостей требует более системного изучения восприятия новостных текстов, в том числе с использованием когнитивных методов. Необходима большая синергия с исследованиями в области аудиовизуального перевода .


News translation has been investigated more systematically since the mid-2000s. Since then, it has kept pushing the boundaries of translation studies by asking such questions as the following: Can we study multilingual practices that do not necessarily have an identified source text? If so, what do we analyze and compare? Can we call these practices ‘translation’? How do we integrate multimodality into our traditionally textual analyses? This article formulates tentative answers based onrecent publications in the field. It calls for sustained research in the reception of news translation and with cognitive methods, as well as intensified exchanges with audiovisual translation.

Список литературы

Baker M. Translation and Conflict: A Narrative Account. London: Routledge, 2006.

Bassnett S. Bringing the News Back Home: Strategies of Acculturation and Foreignisation // Language and Intercultural Communication. 2005. Vol. 5 (2). P. 120—130. doi: 10.1080/14708470508668888, 2005.

Bielsa E., Bassnett S. Translation in Global News. L.; N. Y.: Routledge, 2009.

Bouko C. and al. Being a Journalist in a Multilingual Country: Representations of Dutch among Belgian French-Speaking Journalists // Multilingua: Journal of Cross-Cultural and Interlanguage Communication (в печати).

Cadwell P. Translation and Trust: A Case Study of How Translation Was Experienced by Foreign Nationals Resident in Japan for the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake: PhD thesis. Dublin: Dublin City University, 2015.

Caimotto M. C. Transediting Trump: The Inaugural Speech Reported in Italy // Journalism and Translation in the Era of Convergence / L. Davier, K. Conway (eds). Amsterdam: Benjamins (в печати).

Caimotto M. C., Gaspari F. Corpus-Based Study of News Translation: Challenges and Possibilities // Across Languages and Cultures. 2018. Vol. 19 (2). P. 205—220. doi: 10.1556/084.2018.19.2.4, 2018.

Conway K. A Cultural Studies Approach to Semantic Instability: The Case of News Translation // Linguistica Antverpiensia. 2008. Vol. 7. P. 29—43.

Conway K. Everyone Says No: Public Service Broadcasting and the Failure of Translation. Montreal, etc.: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2011.

Conway K. A Conceptual and Empirical Approach to Cultural Translation // Translation Studies. 2012. Vol. 5 (3). P. 264—279. doi: 10.1080/14781700.2012.701938.

Conway K. What Is the Role of Culture in News Translation? A Materialist Approach // Perspectives: Studies in Translatology. 2015. Vol. 23 (4). P. 521—535. doi: 10.1080/0907676X.2015.1026833.

Conway K., Vaskivska T. Consuming News Translation: The New York Times Online and the 'Kremlin Rules' Experiment // Across Languages and Cultures. 2010. Vol. 11 (2). P. 233—253. doi: 10.1556/Acr.11.2010.2.6.

Cortés Zaborras C., Hernández Guerrero M. J. (eds). La traducción periodística. Cuenca: Ediciones de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, 2005.

Darwish A. Translation and News Making in Contemporary Arabic Television. Victoria: Writescope, 2010.

Davier L. The Paradoxical Invisibility of Translation in the Highly Multilingual Context of News Agencies // Global Media and Communication. 2015. Vol. 10 (1). P. 53—72. doi: 10.1177/1742766513513196.

Davier L. Les enjeux de la traduction dans les agences de presse. Lille: Presses universitaires du Septentrion, 2017.

Davier L. Technological Convergence Threatening Translation and the Cultural Other: The Professional Vision of Francophone Journalists in Canada // Journalism and Translation in the Era of Convergence / L. Davier, K. Conway (eds). Amsterdam: Benjamins (в печати).

Davier L., Conway K. Introduction: Journalism and Translation in the Era of Convergence // Journalism and Translation in the Era of Convergence / L. Davier, K. Conway (eds). Amsterdam: Benjamins (в печати).

Davier L., van Doorslaer L. Translation without a Source Text: Methodological Issues in News Translation? // Across Languages and Cultures. 2018. Vol. 19 (2). doi: 10.1556/084.2018.19.2.6.

Davier L., van Doorslaer L., Schäffner C. The Methodological Remainder in News Translation Research: Outlining the Background // Across Languages and Cultures. 2018. Vol. 19 (2) (online).

Deuze M. What Is Multimedia Journalism? // Journalism Studies. 2004. Vol. 5 (2). P. 139—152. doi: 10.1080/1461670042000211131.

Ehrensberger-Dow M., Perrin D. Applying a Newswriting Research Approach to Translation // Target: International Journal on Translation Studies. 2013. Vol. 25 (1). P. 77—92. doi: 10.1075/target.25.1.07ehr.

Gagnon C. La visibilité de la traduction au Canada en journalisme politique: Mythe ou réalité? // Meta: journal des traducteurs. 2012. Vol. 57 (4). P. 943—959. doi: 10.7202/1021226ar.

Gagnon C. Traduction et politique canadienne: Quel est le rôle des journalistes entre 1942 et 1995? // Meta: journal des traducteurs. 2013. Vol. 58 (3). P. 522—541. doi: 10.7202/1025049ar.

Gagnon C., Boulanger P.-P., Kalantari E. How to Approach Translation in a Financial News Corpus? // Across Languages and Cultures. 2018. Vol. 19 (2). P. 221—240. doi: 10.1556/084.2018.19.2.5.

Gambier Y. Media, information et traduction à l'ère de la mondialisation // Translating Information / ed. by R. A. Valdéón. Oviedo: Universidad de Oviedo, 2010. P. 13—30.

Gendron P., Conway K., Davier L. News Translation on the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation’s English and French Websites // Journalism and Translation in the Era of Convergence / L. Davier, K. Conway (eds). Amsterdam: Benjamins (в печати).

Gentzler E. Translation and Rewriting in the Age of Post-Translation Studies. N. Y.: Routledge, 2017.

Gottlieb H. English-Inspired Post-9/11 Terms in Danish Media // Translating Information / ed. by R. Valdeón. Oviedo: Ediuno, 2010. P. 125—150.

Hernández Guerrero M. J. La traducción de los géneros periodísticos // La traducción periodística / C. Cortés Zaborras, M. J. Hernández Guerrero (eds). Cuenca: Ediciones de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, 2005.

Hernández Guerrero M. J. Los artículos de opinión traducidos en la prensa escrita: El trasvase transcultural de la opinión // La traducción factor de cambio / M. J. Hernández Guerrero, S. Peña Martín (eds). Bern: Peter Lang, 2008. P. 93—114.

Hernández Guerrero M. J. Traducción y periodismo. Bern: Peter Lang, 2009.

Hernández Guerrero M. J. Las noticias traducidas en el diario El Mundo: El trasvase transcultural de la información // Translating Information / ed. by R. A. Valdeón. Oviedo: Universidad de Oviedo, 2010. P. 51—85.

Hernández Guerrero M. J. Presencia y utilización de la traducción en la prensa española // Meta: Translators' Journal. 2011. Vol. 56 (1). P. 101—118. doi: 10.7202/1003512ar.

Hernández Guerrero M. J. La traducción al servicio de una línea editorial: La primavera árabe en el diario El País // Meta: Translators' Journal. 2012. Vol. 57 (4). P. 960—976.

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Baker, M., 2006. Translation and Conflict: A Narrative Account. London: Routledge.

Bassnett, S., 2005. Bringing the News Back Home: Strategies of Acculturation and Foreignisation. Language and Intercultural Communication, 5(2), pp. 120—130. 10.1080/14708470508668888.

Bielsa, E. and Bassnett, S., 2009. Translation in Global News. London, New York: Routledge.

Bouko, C., et al., (in press) Being a Journalist in a Multilingual Country: Representations of Dutch among Belgian French-Speaking Journalists. Multilingua: Journal of Cross-Cultural and Interlanguage Communication.

Cadwell, P., 2015. Translation and Trust: A Case Study of How Translation Was Experienced by Foreign Nationals Resident in Japan for the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake. Ph. D. School of Applied Language and Intercultural Studies, Dublin City University.

Caimotto, M.C., (in press) Transediting Trump: The Inaugural Speech Reported in Italy. In: L. Davier and K. Conway, eds. Journalism and Translation in the Era of Convergence. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Caimotto, M.C. and Gaspari, F., 2018. Corpus-Based Study of News Translation: Challenges and Possibilities. Across Languages and Cultures, 19(2), pp. 205—220. 10.1556/084.2018.19.2.4.

Conway, K., 2008. A Cultural Studies Approach to Semantic Instability: The Case of News Translation. Linguistica Antverpiensia, 7, pp. 29—43.

Conway, K., 2011. Everyone Says No: Public Service Broadcasting and the Failure of Translation. Montreal, etc.: McGill-Queen's University Press.

Conway, K., 2012. A Conceptual and Empirical Approach to Cultural Translation. Translation Studies, 5(3), pp. 264—279. 10.1080/14781700.2012.701938.

Conway, K., What Is the Role of Culture in News Translation? A Materialist Approach. Perspectives: Studies in Translatology, 23(4), pp. 521—535. 10.1080/0907676X.2015.1026833.

Conway, K. and Vaskivska, T., 2010. Consuming News Translation: The New York Times Online and the 'Kremlin Rules' Experiment. Across Languages and Cultures, 11(2), pp. 233—253. 10.1556/Acr.11.2010.2.6.

Cortés Zaborras, C. and Hernández Guerrero, M. J., eds., 2005. La traducción periodística. Cuenca: Ediciones de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha.

Darwish, A., 2010. Translation and News Making in Contemporary Arabic Television. Victoria: Writescope.

Davier, L., 2014. The Paradoxical Invisibility of Translation in the Highly Multilingual Context of News Agencies. Global Media and Communication, 10(1), pp. 53—72. 10.1177/1742766513513196.

Davier, L., 2017. Les enjeux de la traduction dans les agences de presse. Lille: Presses universitaires du Septentrion.

Davier, L., (in press) Technological Convergence Threatening Translation and the Cultural Other: The Professional Vision of Francophone Journalists in Canada. In: L. Davier and K. Conway, eds. Journalism and Translation in the Era of Convergence. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

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Davier, L., and van Doorslaer, L., 2018. Translation without a Source Text: Methodological Issues in News Translation? Across Languages and Cultures, 19(2). 10.1556/084.2018.19.2.6.

Davier, L., van Doorslaer, L. and Schäffner, C., 2018. The Methodological Remainder in News Translation Research: Outlining the Background. Across Languages and Cultures, 19(2).

Deuze, M., 2004. What Is Multimedia Journalism? Journalism Studies, 5(2), pp. 139—152. 10.1080/1461670042000211131.

Ehrensberger-Dow, M. and Perrin, D., 2013. Applying a Newswriting Research Approach to Translation. Target: International Journal on Translation Studies, 25(1), pp. 77—92. 10.1075/target.25.1.07ehr.

Gagnon, C., 2012. La visibilité de la traduction au Canada en journalisme politique: Mythe ou réalité? Meta: journal des traducteurs, 57(4), pp. 943—959. 10.7202/1021226ar.

Gagnon, C., 2013. Traduction et politique canadienne: Quel est le rôle des journalistes entre 1942 et 1995? Meta: journal des traducteurs, 58(3), pp. 522—541. 10.7202/1025049ar.

Gagnon, C., Boulanger, P.-P. and Kalantari, E., 2018. How to Approach Translation in a Financial News Corpus? Across Languages and Cultures, 19(2), pp. 221—240. 10.1556/084.2018.19.2.5.

Gambier, Y., 2010. Media, information et traduction à l'ère de la mondialisation. In: R.A. Valdéón, ed. Translating Information. Oviedo: Universidad de Oviedo. pp. 13—30.

Gendron, P., Conway, K. and Davier, L., (in press) News Translation on the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation’s English and French Websites. In: L. Davier and K. Conway, eds. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Gentzler, E., 2017. Translation and Rewriting in the Age of Post-Translation Studies. New York: Routledge.

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Hernández Guerrero, M. J., 2005. La traducción de los géneros periodísticos. In: C.C Zaborras and M.J.H. Guerrero, eds. La traducción periodística. Cuenca: Ediciones de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha.

Hernández Guerrero, M. J., 2008. Los artículos de opinión traducidos en la prensa escrita: El trasvase transcultural de la opinion. In: M.J.H. Guerrero and S. Peña Martín, eds. La traducción factor de cambio. Bern: Peter Lang. pp. 93—114.

Hernández Guerrero, M. J., 2010. Traducción y periodismo. Bern: Peter Lang.

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Hernández Guerrero, M. J., 2011. Presencia y utilización de la traducción en la prensa española. Meta: Translators' Journal, 56(1), pp. 101—118. 10.7202/1003512ar.

Hernández Guerrero, M. J., 2012. La traducción al servicio de una línea editorial: La primavera árabe en el diario El País. Meta: Translators' Journal, 57(4), pp. 960—976.

Holland, R., 2006. Language(S) in the Global News: Translation, Audience Design and Discourse (Mis)Representation. Target: International Journal on Translation Studies. 18(2), pp. 229—259.

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Jacobs, G. and Tobback, E., 2013 Is Language a News Value in Belgium? Journalism Studies, 14(3), pp. 407—422.

Kang, J.-H., 2007. Recontextualization of News Discourse: A Case Study of Translation of News Discourse on North Korea. The Translator, 13(2), pp. 219—242. 10.1080/13556509.2007.10799239.

Kang, J.-H., 2012. Translating Mad Cow Disease: A Case Study of Subtitling for a Television News Magazine. Meta: Translators’ Journal, 57(2), pp. 439—463. 10.7202/1013955ar.

Károly, K., 2012. News Discourse in Translation: Topical Structure and News Content in the Analytical News Article. Meta: Translators' Journal, 57(4), pp. 884—908. 10.7202/1021223ar.

Kwieciñski, P., 1998. Translation Strategies in a Rapidly Transforming Culture: A Central European Perspective. The Translator, 4(2), pp. 183—206. 10.1080/13556509.1998.10799019.

Li, D., 2006. Translators as Well as Thinkers: Teaching of Journalistic Translation in Hong Kong. Meta: Translators' Journal, 51(3), pp. 611—619. 10.7202/013566ar.

Matsushita, K., (in press) Globalization of the Emerging Media Newsroom: Implications for Translation and International News Flow in the Case of Buzzfeed Japan. In: L Davier and K. Conway, eds. Journalism and Translation in the Era of Convergence. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

NT&T, 2018. News, Text and Talk. Available at: http://www. newstalktext. org/ [Accessed 14 September 2018].

Orengo, A., 2005. Localising News: Translation and the 'Global-National' Dichotomy. Language and Intercultural Communication, 5(2), pp. 168—187. 10.1080/1470847050866889.

Palmer, J., 2011. News Gathering and Dissemination. In: M. Baker and G. Saldanha, eds. Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies. London: Routledge. pp. 186—189.

Pan, L., 2014.Investigating Institutional Practice in News Translation: An Empirical Study of a Chinese Agency Translating Discourse on China. Perspectives: Studies in Translatology, 22(4), pp. 547—565. 10.1080/0907676X.2014.948888.

Perrin, D., 2013. The Linguistics of Newswriting. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Perrin, D., Ehrensberger-Dow, M. and Zampa, M., 2017. Translation in the Newsroom: Losing Voices in Multilingual Newsflows. Journal of Applied Journalism and Media Studies, 6(3), pp. 463—483. 10.1386/ajms.6.3.463_1.

Pym, A., 2004. The Moving Text: Localization, Translation and Distribution. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Pym, A. and Matsushita, K., 2018. Risk Mitigation in Translator Decisions. Across Languages and Cultures, 19(1), pp. 1—18. 10.1556/084.2018.19.1.1.

Quandt, T. and Singer, J.B., 2009. Convergence and Cross-Platform Content Production. In: K. Wahl-Jorgensen and T. Hanitzsch, eds. The Handbook of Journalism Studies. New York, London: Routledge. pp. 130—144.

Quinn, S., 2005. Convergence's Fundamental Question. Journalism Studies, 6(1), pp. 29v38. 10.1080/1461670052000328186.

Scammell, C.N., 2016. Putting the Foreign in News Translation: A Reader-Response Investigation of the Scope for Foreignising the Translation Strategies of the Global Agencies. Ph. D. King’s College London.

Schäffner, C., 2005. Bringing a German Voice to English-Speaking Readers: Spiegel International. Language and Intercultural Communication, 5(2), pp. 154—167. 10.1080/14708470508668891.

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