Philology, pedagogy, and psychology

Philology, pedagogy, and psychology

Cognitive and discoursive aspects of linguistic research

Colour symbolism in the Russian and English languages


The article focuses on the symbolism of colour terms in European languages. The authors explore and analyze similarities and differences in the use of particular colours as symbols in fixed colour collocations in Russian and English. This analysis helps to establish common microsystems of symbolic meanings in both languages.

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Cognitive scheme or concept: towards the determination of dynamic model of knowledge


In the article the main emphasis is placed on the determination of procedural approach to the study of conceptual knowledge. With this aim the possibility of using cognitive schemes in analyzing ethno-cultural knowledge is discussed. The comparative association experiments serve as a basis for the reconstruction of cognitive schemes of information processing in different cultures. The comparative analysis of such schemes in
Russian and French cultures is undertaken.

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Actualization of linguo-cultural concepts, verbalized by imported prefixes and prefixoids


The article suggests a linguo-cognitive typology of prefixes and prefixoids, verbalizing linguo-cultural concepts. Special attention is focused on the concepts verbalized by imported morphemes. A dynamic analysis of these concepts is carried out using the example of conditionally identified “time-related” concepts.

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Acute syndrome of reunification: “Nox” by Thomas Hettche


The article considers the allegorical image of the fall of the Berlinwall in the novel «Nox» by German writer T. Hettche. The authorreveals «painful points» of the epoch-making historical event at the moment of the heroes' transition from life to death and vice versa. The article analyses a whole variety of developed multilevel metaphors illustrating the painful process of German-German reunification.

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Characteristics of communicative-textual functions of complex proper-tense German sentences


The article analyses complex proper-tense sentences from the point of view of their role in the text generating process. The article describes the system-formation function of this kind of sentences. The author identifies certain types of derivatory symmetry / asymmetry of the described type of sentences, being the main scenarios of the text generating process.

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Concept integration modelling as a means of phraseological unit formation


The paper focuses on cognitive processes of phraseological units (colour terms) formation based on the theories of the conceptual metaphor and conceptual integration. Special attention is given to the modified units the meaning of which cannot be inferred from their components. Cognitive mechanisms underlying this type of phraseological units are identified.

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Theory and practice of the professional training of linguists at the university

Linguistic-cultural competence as the indicator of quality of development of the teacher in the higher school


The modern situation in education demands the integration of various types of knowledge. Linguistics and Culture studies are a synthesis serving as a “bridge” for the dialogue of cultures. The linguocultural competence is an integral attribute of the professional competence of the teacher in higher education.

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The significance of cross-cultural awareness among young people in their international daily life


This article examines the significance of cross-cultural awareness among young people in their international daily life. A thorough consideration of cross-cultural components provides a rationale of the expedience and the importance of cross-cultural competence for promoting a better professional development in the contemporary system of linguistic education.

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The floor is given to young scientists

Literary text as a pedagogical tool of developing a future economist’s business culture while learning a foreign language


The article is devoted to the preparation of students of economics for professional communication. The author proposes the principles of text selection for foreign language classes. The paper also considers some ways of developing the future economist’s business culture while learning a foreign language.

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The regional blogosphere integration technology in the content of foreign language teaching education at a linguistic university


The article covers possible ways of integrating the regional component of the curriculum into the content of foreign language teaching at a linguistic university. ICTs are one of the most effective means ensuring the regional component inclusion into the content of foreign language teaching. A regional blogosphere is suggested as a form of such integration.

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Family of words as the unity of the formal and the semantic: semantic exercises


The article discusses a system of semantic exercises for training schoolchildren to use families of words regarded as a unity of the formal and the semantic. The offered technique of defining the formal and semantic aspects of word families is reflected in four structural types of their organization, which depend on the initial word and its derivatives.

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Language interaction in trilingualism


The article examines language interaction in the mind of a multilingual individual, based on the example of Myanmar students, trained at the university. The forms of interlanguage connections, established in the process of interaction of languages are examined. The forms of language contacts are described. The language situation in Myanmar (Burma) is also described.

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Dialogical aspect of the examination discourse (based on the oral Russian Language exam)


The article examines the basic verbal attributes of the communicators’ dialogic speech, using the responses received at the oral Russian language examinations at Russian-speaking schools of Lithuania for the period of 2005—2010 as an example. A structure of the dialogue during the exam is suggested.

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Language: at the crossroads of scientific paradigms

Generative linguistics by N. Chomsky in the world language study


The article focuses upon the impact of Noam Chomsky’s ideas of generative linguistics on Grammar, Phonology, Semantics, Psycholinguistics, Cognitive Science, Computational Linguistics as well as the role of his theory in the modern paradigm of language knowledge.

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Language as a system of world outlook in A. Losev’s conception


The paper considers some of the notions of the language philosophy put forward by A. Losev in his earlier works “Philosophy of Name” and “Thing of Name” and those of the later period. Many of his theoretical postulates advanced as early as at the beginning of the 1930s have much in common with the ideas of cognitive linguistics developed in the XX—XXI cc.

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Scientific life
