The humanities and social science

The humanities and social science


Theoretical problems of economics

The institutional concept of territory marketing management


This article analyses the institutional concept of territory marketing. The authors suggest considering institutional environment as the key factor of territory management and the minimization of the transaction costs as the objective of territory management. The authors substantiate the cybernetic and synergetic approaches to territory marketing.

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The methodological framework for the study of strategic potential of organisations


This article stresses the need to bring the expressions "strategic potential of an organisation" (SPO) into academic use. The author examines the role of this notion among the specific concepts of strategic management theory and analyses the content of SPO in the framework of new institutional and evolutionary economics.

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The system of transfer pricing: approaches, models, and application in the public sector of economy


Transfer pricing proofs to be an effective organizational management mechanism under the new economic conditions. This article deals with the main transfer pricing formation models and the interaction of financial participants contributing to harmonizing their economics interests. The application of these models to ensure competitiveness of public sector organizations is of special interest.

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The opposition of naturalistic and action-oriented approach to the analysis of institutional transformations in Russian economy


This article considers two approaches to studying social phenomena — the naturalistic approach, which was formed within the natural scientific tradition, and the action-oriented approach, which was developed by the Russian methodological school. The author assesses the role of organization and system categories in the framework of these approaches as well as their applicability in finding the alternatives of institutional
transformations of Russian economy.

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The assessment of labour demand of Russian economy in view of the prospective regional socio-economic development


The increase in the efficiency of migration processes control in Russia, in particular, in order to ensure reasonable engagement of international workforce requires a clear and intelligible scheme outlining the needs of Russian regions for additional inflow of migrant workers. It is necessary to take into account both the contemporary socioeconomic situation in the regions and their prospective opportunities for accelerated transition
to innovative development. The article offers a system of indices and a scheme of the assessment of Russian economy's labor demand. With the help of the methodology developed, the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are ranked on the basis of priority of engaging qualified migrants in the innovation economy development conditions.

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Organisational and economic aspects of human capital management

The trajectories of university education modernisation with the use of contemporary forms of international university cooperation


This article focuses on the key levels of internationalisation of higher education in Russia against the background of implementation of Bologna process principles. The authors analyse the experience of the Faculty of Economics of the Mikhail Lomonosov Moscow State University of putting into practice the models of joint master's degree programmes.

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The academic policy of the leading Russian universities as an indicator of multi-level degree system implementation


This article examines the development programmes of leading Russian universities, their licenses and non fee paying student admission plans for each level of higher education. This analysis serves as the basis for identifying the shortcomings of the multi-degree system implementation; the author suggests measures to remedy these shortcomings.

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The strategic aspects of regional and small business development in the enhancement of vocational training


Рассматривается содержание ряда программ социально-эконо­ми­че­ского развития Калининградской области, в том числе связанные с под­держкой малого предпринимательства. Обосновывается необходимость учета содержания обозначенных программ в формировании спе­циализи­рованной программы развития среднего профессионального об­разования.

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Regional business economics

The methodological aspects of development of object-functional approach to the regional development management


This article considers the main aspects of the methodology of formation of object-functional approach to regional development, which makes it possible, due to taking into account the patterns of regional function distribution, to choose strategic regional objects and ensure their interaction on the basis of incentives for economic agents.

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The functional approach to managing regional foreign economic activity


This article reveals the specific features of the transformation of functional approach when characterizing the multi-level system of functioning and
managing of foreign economic activity (FEA). The author describes the adjustment of traditional management functions (planning, organization, motivation and control) to current trends of FEA development through the example of the Kaliningrad region.

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On the methodological approaches to the assessment of competitiveness of small enterprises


The study of existing methodological approaches identified their weaknesses as to insufficient consideration of factors and their influence. The author offers a methodological approach to the assessment of competitiveness of small enterprises (SE) on the basis of the assessment of affecting factors. The integral index makes it possible to identify the competitiveness of a particular small enterprise. The approach suggested can be used as a basic element of competitiveness evaluation for a tactic group of businesses as well as for an industry in whole.

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The features of the functioning of small enterprises in the conditions of regional exclavity


This article analyzes the features of small business activity in the conditions of regional exclavity. The author shows that these conditions have both positive and negative impact on small business development. The combination of the specificity of small enterprises as business entities and the distinctive features of exclave regions and the subsequent assessment of the significance and nature of the impact of such traits made it possible to identify and characterize the most important of them.

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The impact of corporate culture on the increase in the level of strategic relationships with corporate clients (partners)


This article offers the results of a study aimed to explore the connection between a company’s organizational culture and the level of strategic relationships with customers (partners). The author gives recommendations on the development of strategic relationships with customers (partners) and determines their effectiveness.

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The applied aspects of regional economy

The formation and development of regional system of commissioning non-profit organisations for social services


This article is an attempt at a comparative analysis of legal documents regulating social services commissioning in a number of constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Furthermore, the authors specify the concept of the given form of interaction of public authorities and noncommercial organizations and describe the advantages of social services commissioning as a mechanism of the implementation of regional socioeconomic policy.

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The programme approach to the improvement of the physical culture and sports system in the Kaliningrad region


This article focuses on the conceptual bases of the programme for physical culture and sports development in the exclave region of Russia. The author analyses the system of public administration in this field and puts forward proposals to improve the legal framework of its development.

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The mathematic modelling of the product manufacturing under heterogeneous constraints


This paper addresses the problem of optimizing a company's cost performance under heterogeneous constraints. The author proves the appropriateness and efficiency of applying the Lagrange multipliers to this end, which makes it possible to move from the conditional to the unconditional extremum. The article shows that, under certain conditions, the Lagrange multiplier based approach can be applied to differential cost accounting for the production of a multiproduct firm.

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The organisational economic aspects of developing the GLONASS system implementation programme in the exclave region of Russia


This article presents the results of a study of the applied research approach to the development of the GLONASS system implementation programme in the Kaliningrad region as a coastal territory.

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The improvement of legislative regulation of social relations

Consumer right as a socioeconomic and legal category


This article considers the right of consumers to knowledge regarding their rights and their protection and information about goods (works, services) and their quality, requirements for such information, and responsibility for the violation of these requirements both at the legislative and judicial levels.

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Some problems of applying competition protection legislation to transactions related to the disposal of property of public and municipal unitary enterprises


This article analyses certain problems of legal regulation in the field of agreements on the disposal of property of public and municipal unitary enterprises. The authors consider the ways to improve the corresponding legislation.

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The ways to assess the implementation of priority national projects in the Kaliningrad region and improve project financing legislation


The article focuses on the financing of priority national projects in the Russian Federation and the Kaliningrad region. The author analyses the development and implementation of programs, considers the legal regulation issues, the features of program financing and implementation in the Kaliningrad region in view of its semi-enclave positions, as well as the ways to improve program financing and implementation in legal and
procedural aspects.

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