Philology, pedagogy, and psychology

Philology, pedagogy, and psychology

Cognitive and discoursive aspects of linguistic research

The problems of colloquial and dialect speech translation of short stories by Günter Grass


The author studies translation of lexical and phonetic colloquial and dialect specific speech features in the works of modern German writer Günter Grass. The author analyses the methods of fiction literature translation, which have been used for translation from Danzig dialect into Russian.

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Remembering factor and its function in the shaping of the fiction picture of the world in the texts of Austrian modernism writers (using the works of A. Schnitzler)


The article deals with the phenomenon of remembering and its place in fiction picture of the world of Austrian modernism. Special attention is paid to remembering of childhood comprehended of modernists as negative live experience.

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Cognitive and linguistic aspects of forming of event-driven concepts


The term event-driven concept is analyzed in the dynamic process of its tructuring in a recipient's consciousness; the functional semantico-syntactical frame of event-driven concepts with various categorial functional relations between the participants of corresponding events is shown and the linguodidactic aspect of the use of even-driven concept derivation theory for concepts of event-driven nature is demonstrated.

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Basic notes of the conception of the German-Russian dictionary of neologisms


The article contains some conceptual considerations about structure and contents of the German-Russian dictionary of neologisms, which is positioned by authors as the specialised bilingual dictionary of passive type for the Russianspeaking user and has to supplement the existing general German-Russian dictionaries.

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Theory and practice of the professional training of linguists at the university

Universal professional activity functions of foreign language and culture specialists


This paper sets out to examine the potential value of universal professional activity functions of foreign language and culture specialists in relation to a new resultative quality of their professional education and professional development. The purpose of revealing the functions is to prove the importance of professional universality for promoting a better competitiveness and professional development of future graduates in general.

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The designing of professionally directed teaching materials in the course of “Foreign language” as pedagogical means of increasing motivation of future psychologists


Developing possibilities of the course «foreign language» in a context of the professional education of future psychologists are considered in the article. As pedagogical means of increasing motivation of future psychologists the designing of professionally directed teaching materials is proposed.

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The floor is given to young scientists

Metaphorisation as a pattern of term formation in Russian and English within the semantic field “Insurance”


Term formation is viewed through the cognitive linguistics paradigm. The term is characterized as a semeiotic model correlating with a certain cognitive discourse pattern. Metaphorisation is defined as the nomination pattern. In the following article we tried to pick out the major cognitive characteristics of the term formation within the semantic field «Insurance» as it is represented in Russian and English insurance glossaries.

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Language presentation of concepts in Russian and English cultures (using the lexeme “green” in phraseological units as an example)


This article concentrates on the research of concept understanding as a mental and inter-cultural unit in collective perception, represented by means of set expressions and phraseological units. Specific ways of the formation of the phraseological concepts in English and Russian cultures are described

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The peculiarities of developing intercultural competence of nonlinguist students in the Kaliningrad region


The article deals with the peculiarities of developing intercultural competence of nonlinguist students in the Kaliningrad region. According to the author there are seven ways to improve the process of developing intercultural competence of students.

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As to the problem of the metalanguage describing substantial language and cultural units


This article deals with the underlying meaningful unities of human mentality, which allow to describe semantics of different semiotic unities. They are defined as basic semantic features able to put language semantics and exralinguistic reality as it is perceved by man at one cognitive level.

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Language: at the crossroads of scientific paradigms

In memory of L. M. Skrelina dedicated. G. Guillaume theory of linguistics and its impact on the scientific paradigm of language knowledge of the XXI century


The article focuses upon the impact of G. Guillaume ideas of mentalism on modern linguistics and the role of his theory in the modern paradigm of language knowledge.

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