The humanities and social science

The humanities and social science

State and law

Digital transformation of Russian prosecution bodies: current status and development prospects


The article discusses the development and implementation of digital technologies in the supervisory activities of the Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation. The main aspects of the state policy on the digital transformation of the bodies and organizations of the Russian Prosecutor’s Office have been studied. The authors focus on general trends in the informatiza­tion of prosecutorial activities for the purpose of strengthening legality and maintaining law and order. The experience of the effective implementation of informational platforms in the Prosecutor’s Office of St. Petersburg, providing for the qualification improvement and know­led­ge assessment of prosecutors, is presented. In addition, the article reflects the digital trans­for­mation of the prosecution authorities in the context of the 2020—2021 pandemic. and sanctions pressure from unfriendly countries against the backdrop of the current foreign poli­cy situation. The relevance of training specialists in information security and the protection of the digital infrastructure of the Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation is substantiated. The article identifies the main directions of developing the system of prosecutors’ qualification enhancement in the context of a practice-oriented digital educational environment. An analy­sis of tasks within the digitization of supervisory activities is conducted, and proposals are formulated to enhance the efficiency and optimize both departmental control by the Russian Prosecutor’s Office and information-analytical and monitoring activities during supervisory measures.

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Classification of doctrinal principles of law


The specific features of doctrinal principles of law, complicating the process of their clas­sification, are noted. Based on a positivist legal understanding, three original classifications of doctrinal principles of Russian law are proposed. The first classification is based on criteria such as the source of origin and the source in which the doctrinal principle is formulated. The second classification criterion for doctrinal principles of law is recognition by the scientific community. Within the framework of the third classification, doctrinal principles are distin­guished depending on the sphere of social relations to which the doctrinal principle extends or may extend.

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Forensic aspects of the state prosecutor’s participation in jury election. Situational approach


The article considers the tactical aspects of the prosecutor’s participation in forming the jury panel. The study aims to identify and analyze existing tactical issues of the state prosecu­tor’s involvement in this stage of judicial proceedings and develop proposals for their resolu­tion. The research methodology is based on a combination of general scientific and specialized methods, as well as a situational approach. Tactical tasks facing the state prosecutor at this stage of legal proceedings are outlined. From the perspective of the situational approach, the process of establishing and maintaining psychological contact between the prosecutor and potential jury candidates is examined. The ways in which the state prosecutor studies the personalities of potential jurors are presented. The author identifies typical situations of jury selection. A solution to the problem of potential jurors concealing information about them­selves is proposed, involving the identification of situations within the jury candidate ques­tionnaire, depending on the form of the questionnaire and the likelihood of lying in response. The conclusion is drawn that the effective influence of the prosecutor on the composition of the jury panel is based on the judicious use of their right to challenge with cause and without cause, which is grounded in the results of studying the jurors’ personalities.

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History. Historical sciences

Men’s revolt: the struggle for gender equality in the Polish lands of the Austrian and Russian Empires at the beginning of the XX century: issues of political communication


The article examines the cooperation between men and women during the third wave of feminism in the Polish territories of the Russian and Austrian Empires at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. The role of individual men in the establishment of the first major feminist organizations is highlighted. The author studies the contribution of Stanisław Kośutski in forming the first mass women’s organization in the Polish territories. The collaborative efforts of women and men in the League of Men for the Defense of Women’s Rights and the Union for Equal Rights of Polish Women are characterized. The reasons for the split in the Union for Equal Rights of Polish Women, Stanisław Kośutski’s role in the internal conflict of the Un­ion, and his relations with key activists of the Polish women’s movement are analyzed. The political evolution of Maria Dulębianka in the Galician Sejm and her collaboration with Aus­trian socialists are separately discussed. Meanwhile, the article examines the positions of key activists in the Polish women’s movement regarding cooperation with men and political par­ties. The stance of certain politicians and public figures, who did not align with any of the organizations advocating for women’s emancipation to achieve national interests, is charac­terized.

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Historical narrative in the work of Kaliningrad poets during Perestroika: the experience of content analysis


During the years of Perestroika, discussions about Stalinism and the Soviet legacy be­came a focal point of public attention. In the Kaliningrad region, interest in history during this period shifted towards the regional pre-war past, the cultural heritage of the area, the history of its settlement, and the development by Soviet people. Historical themes became one of the leading motifs in the works of Kaliningrad poets. The aim of the article is to identify the “images of the past” that shaped the historical narrative in Kaliningrad poetry during the Perestroika period. The primary research method employed is content analysis conducted us­ing the Max QDA 2020 software. The analysis is based on 126 poetic works by 47 authors published from 1985 to 1991. The “images of the past” are examined in the article through the prism of the reflection of historical memory of Kaliningraders and utilizing the concept of “lieux de mémoire” (places of memory). The article demonstrates the dynamics of poem publi­cations over the years and characterizes the prioritized historical themes, including events of the Great Patriotic War, the settlement and recovery of the region, and the fate of the histori­cal and cultural heritage. The conclusion is drawn that during the Perestroika period, influ­enced by changes in public consciousness, there was a gradual incorporation of new historical images of the pre-war and post-war past of the region into poetic texts. Simultaneously, there was a tendency to preserve and partially reconsider certain components of the Soviet histori­cal narrative related to the war and the formation of the Kaliningrad region.

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The end of the collective farm (the case of the collective farm “Novaya Znizn”, Pravdinsky district, Kaliningrad region)


Based on unpublished materials from the State Archive of the Kaliningrad region and the Archival department of the administration of the municipal entity “Pravdinsky Urban Dis­trict”, including minutes of general meetings and board sessions of the collective farm, mate­rials from the primary party organization, etc., this microhistorical study explores the final years of the “Novaya Znizn (New Life)” collective farm in the Pravdinsky district of the Ka­liningrad region. The research goal is to reconstruct the views of collective farm members on the processes occurring in the country in the late 1980s to early 1990s. The analysis presents the main challenges faced by the farm during the period of Perestroika. Despite numerous transformations initiated by M. S. Gorbachev in the agricultural sector, they did not lead to the expected qualitative changes. Phenomena such as rising prices and shortages of goods caused disillusionment with the ideas of Perestroika. The author examines the process of reor­ganizing the collective farm into a closed joint-stock company. The general conclusion is that, despite the possibility of organizing individual farming enterprises, the majority of peasants chose to preserve the established collective way of life. They saw it as a guarantee of support in the face of the critical economic situation in the Russian countryside in the early 1990s.

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Society and politics

Historical policy and memorial culture of modern Romanian society


The aim of the research is to analyze the contemporary politics of memory in Romania in the early 2020s. The author examines the role and place of intellectual communities as key spaces of memory genesis and the functioning of memorial culture and collective historical memory in the contemporary social and political thought of Romania. The novelty of the study lies in exploring the current stage in the development of the historical politics of Roma­nian society in the context of an objective deficit of interdisciplinary research focused on the analysis of memorial cultures. The article demonstrates that: 1) the intellectual community, as one of the systemic segments of modern Romanian society, significantly contributes to the development and transformation of memorial culture; 2) the spectrum of memorial practices of Romanian intellectuals, as agents of historical memory politics and shapers of various ver­sions of memorial culture, varies from historical revisionism to attempts to form a liberal me­morial canon; 3) the memorial practices of the contemporary intellectual community are in­terconnected with the development of civil and ethnic nationalist discourse; 4) the participa­tion of intellectuals in memory politics actualizes the political and ideological heterogeneity of modern society, contributing to the simultaneous coexistence and competition of different forms of historical memory. It is assumed that the role of Romanian civil society in the histor­ical politics of contemporary Romania will increase, and the intellectual community will re­main one of the active participants in the politics of collective memory.

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Prospects for a new intervention by military in the political processes in the Republic of Turkey


The military’s involvement in political processes in Turkey has ambiguous consequences for society. On the one hand, for decades, the army has supported the secular character of Turkish politics. On the other hand, the military has acted as a strong force slowing down the development of Turkish democracy, fearing a loss of influence over the state. Whenever condi­tions for political emancipation arose, the military took control, organizing mass repression in the country. The last attempted coup in 2016 undermined the already weakened position of the military, but there is no firm certainty that the army will not attempt to reclaim its role as a hidden guardian. The goal of the undertaken research was to forecast the conditions under which the military might attempt a coup. Scenario analysis was used for the prediction. As a result, three scenarios for the development of the Republic of Turkey were obtained: the estab­lishment of a rigid clerical authoritarianism, democratic transition, and the preservation of a hybrid regime. It was identified that the highest likelihood of a military coup exists under the establishment of rigid authoritarianism, and the lowest likelihood is under the preservation of a hybrid regime.

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Language policy of Estonia: achievements and the future of education in the Russian language


Estonia’s language policy sparks serious debates in the academic community, further complicated by the politically charged nature of the topic. In the works of Estonian authors, there is unequivocal postulation of Russia’s influence on Estonian society, while relatively little attention is given to the Russian-speaking minorities themselves. Domestic researchers focus on the negative aspects of integration and language policies—violations of the rights of national minorities, the assimilative nature of Estonia’s language policy—yet, due to the lan­guage barrier, rarely incorporate Estonian-language empirical material. This often leads to diametrically opposite conclusions about the prospects of Estonia’s language policy, ranging from the inevitable assimilation of the Russian-speaking minority to its successful integration into Estonian society while preserving linguistic and cultural distinctiveness. The article examines the results of Estonia’s language policy as of 2023 and the prospects for Russian-language education in the country, drawing conclusions about the potential transformation of integration policy into a genuinely assimilative one.

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