Natural and medical sciences

2021 Issue №3

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Scientific and practical aspects of organization of weekend routes in rural area (on the example of Kaliningrad region)



The role of tourism in the development of rural areas could be confirmed, on the one hand, by the income received from this activity by the owners of ru­ral estates and guest houses. On the other hand, tourism, and above all its na­ture-oriented forms, contribute to the sustainable development of the territory. The aim of the research is to identify the resource potential of the rural areas in the coastal municipalities of the Kaliningrad region for organizing recrea­tional routes as one of the promising forms of rural tourism. As part of the re­search, a number of expeditions were organized to the Slavsk and Polessk mu­nicipalities, where an inventory of the existing infrastructure was carried out. Based on the results, a map of the tourism objects and infrastructure was drawn up. The work has both theoretical and practical value.


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