Philology, pedagogy, and psychology

2021 Issue №3

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Diachronic changes in the system of adversary conjunctions of the French language



The article analysies complex and ambiguous historical processes in the system of adversative сoordinators at the early stage of the development of the French language (IX—XVI centuries). After having analyzed the data of the Old and Middle French subcorpuses of the French National Corpus Frantext with distributive, functional-semantic, logical-semantic and contextual in­struments and the transformation method, the author established quantitative and qualitative changes in the system of adversative сoordinators in the indi­cated periods. It is revealed that the gradual disappearance of the сoordinator ainz 'but', the growth of the use of the сoordinator mais 'but' and the emer­gence of new units with a specialized adversative meaning seulement 'only', néanmoins 'for all that', nonobstant 'despite', cependant 'meanwhile', tou­tefois 'however, nevertheless', au contraire 'on the contrary', pourtant 'howe­ver' are interdependent processes and reflect the growing tendency to­wards analyticism in the language. Two non-identical ways of using new ad­ver­sa­tive units are established, which are functional equivalents of the adver­sa­ti­ve сoordinator mais ‘but’. The author defines the assimilation of the se­mantic and combinable properties of new units to the adversative сoordinator mais ‘but’ (a combination of two components, the content of which is either opposed or modified). New units with an adversative meaning can act as con­cretizers of the сoordinator mais ‘but’ in the Middle French language.


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