Philology, pedagogy, and psychology

2021 Issue №1

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Functional and semantic characteristics of emo­tive and perceptual vocabulary in hagiography of Nikolay Yaponskiy.



The authors study emotive and perceptual vocabulary through its se­mantic reflection of the holy as the most important component of religious linguistic consciousness. The complex approach offered in the works of S. P. Lopu­shanskaya served as the basis for analyzing the language material. It examines the intralinguisitic systemic analysis of language unit structures, paradigmatic and syntagmatic relations at various levels of the language hier­archy, and their functional application in various contexts.

The criteria for selecting lexical units with perceptual semantics as well as their pattern of use are determined by the language system peculiarities and current ideas of holiness. The paper reviews the means of linguistic explica­tion of perceptional processes that are significant for describing holiness. The dominance of visual perception as a process that determines interaction with the real world (which is reflected in the direct meanings of linguistic units) and also reveals a connection with mental activity (reflected in the figurative meanings of linguistic units) has been established. The article describes expli­cation of processes that are beyond the boundaries of perception by means of the senses and that open up to the men of faith.

When analyzing the emotive vocabulary used in hagiographic texts, it was found that the vocabulary of emotions in the life reveals the meanings that are essential for understanding the author's concept and becomes an im­portant means of creating the image of a saint. These linguistic units are used in key fragments of the hagiographic text in order to describe and characterize people, objects and phenomena of reality. In this case, the following parame­ters are relevant: the nature of the emotion indicated by the verb (positive / negative) and its intensity (low / medium / high).


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