The humanities and social science

2020 Issue №3

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Coastal and western border centers in the system of large cities of modern Russia: socio-economic and innovation development.



The article reflects the results of a study of large Russian cities (with a population of more than 100 thousand people, as well as smaller cities with the status of regional capitals), emphasizing two strategically important groups: coastal centers and cities of the Western borderlands of Russia. Hav­ing applied economic-statistical analysis for 6 indicators (average salaries and per capita measures of the number of organizations and enterprises, retail trade turnover and public catering, commissioning of houses and the number of publications in peer-reviewed journals, indexed in Scopus) the study con­firmed the hypothesis on ‘coastalizing’ socio-economic and innovative poten­tial and advanced growth of coastal centers. At the same time, there is also a high differentiation within the group of coastal cities, indicating that such trends are valid only at the national level. Differentiation and the gap on a number of indicators are fixed with respect to the group of Western Russian cities located in the border regions. It refutes the hypothesis on their advanced development due to external contact capacity (except the advanced indicators’ values on trade, driven by the role of logistical and transit centers). The study of differentiation using k-means clustering identified 5 clusters in all major cities of Russia. It allowed determining coastal and Western border cities be­longing of to the various identified clusters. The results of research highlight the necessity for improving the urban environment quality, the need to retain and attract human capital, to rethink  the center-periphery structure of the modern Russia’s space in its projection on the coastal and border area, includ­ing the frame of large cities and agglomerations.


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