Philology, pedagogy, and psychology

2020 Issue №4

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Subjective modality of the literary text: ontological status in author’s conception of the world



A literary text is considered by modern linguistics as a dynamic commu­nicative unit, in connection with which it becomes necessary to study its con­stituents. Subjective modality appears in a literary text as a communicative-semantic category that allows one to comprehensively represent the author’s attitude to the communicated instance. The purpose of the article stays with the need to substantiate the ontological status of the subjective modality of a literary text as a component of the author’s concept of the world. The material for the study is the literary text of the essay “Caucasian” by M.Yu. Lermon­tov as a genre that demonstrates a complex synthesis of various zones of im­plementation of subjective modality. The author’s concept, embodied with the help of various means of subjective modality, is determined by the writer’s system of values, his spiritual experience, and his aesthetic cognition. The analysis of the linguistic material made it possible to determine that the sub­jective modality can be realized as a synthesis of three levels — the image of the author, narrator and hero, which makes it possible to substantiate the au­thor’s concept of the world in a literary text.