Philology, pedagogy, and psychology

2020 Issue №2

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The myth as a source of cultural legitimation: the rock and hip-hop versions of the legend of Orpheus and Eurydice



A comparison of two original versions of the legend of Orpheus and Eu-rydice, the rock opera Orpheus and Eurydice (1975) and A Hip-Hopera: Orpheus & Eurydice (2018), shows how contemporary mass culture revives and deconstructs the ancient mythological pre-text, which lays a foundation for aesthetic legitimation of rock and hip-hop lyrics and their inclusion in a greater cultural context. The study explores the forms of representation of Orpheus’s dual semantics as the archetypical poet and musician as well as of the general motifs of temptation/seduction and selling one’s soul. It is established that, perceived as a single source of meanings and plots, the myth encourages the musical and poetical culture of the 20th/early 21st centuries to exploit deep¬er levels of the mythological metasystem and to build new cultural mythologies. Contemporary artists transform the traditional models of mythical think¬ing, having placed them into current sociocultural contexts.


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