Philology, pedagogy, and psychology

2020 Issue №2

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John Bunyan’s allegoric tradition in Clive Sta­ples Lewis’s novel The Pilgrim’s Regress



In his allegorical travel novel, Clive Staples Lewis tells the story of a hu¬man soul wandering in search for god. The medieval form of the allegorical novel helps the author to speak plainly about complex things: he explores the cultur¬al attitudes of a 20th-century person from the perspective of the Christ-centric axiological system of the Middle Ages. This article considers Lewis’s novel as a complicated intertext, which both serves as a palimpsest of John Bunyan’s The Pilgrim’s Progress and enters into dialogue with it. The study identifies the pre-texts of Lewis’s intertextual novel. The interrelation between Lewis’s and Bunyan’s texts, which is shaped by differences between the cultural and religious attitudes of the two authors, is analysed.


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