Philology, pedagogy, and psychology

2019 Issue №4

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The eschatology of space in Mickiewicz’s Saint Petersburg poems and Pushkin’s The bronze horseman



Our comparative study focuses on Mickiewicz’s Saint Petersburg poems (Part III of Dzyady, 1832) and Pushkin’s The Bronze Horseman (1833). We explore the eschatological figurativeness of the two texts and the eccentricity, as Yuri Lotman put it, of the Saint Petersburg space. We conclude that Mickiewicz’s eschatology of Saint Petersburg is linked to the biblical myth of Babylon. Nominal rhetorical detachment permeates his perception of the Saint Petersburg flood. Pushkin’s position consists of two elements: the presence of a bystander in the text and compassion for Evegenii who falls victim to the flood. Pushkin combines an apologetic statist perception of ‘Peter’s own creation’ with tragic existential realisation of the neglected state, in which the ‘little man’ lives in the Saint Petersburg space.


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