Philology, pedagogy, and psychology

2019 Issue №3

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A. V. Makedonov and A. A. Palshkov. The history of an episto­lary (based on the correspondence stored in the Literary Museum archive of SmolSU)



The article is based on the late 1975 correspondence between A. V. Make­donov, the famous Soviet critic, literary scholar and A. A. Palshkov, the direc­tor of Literary museum in Karl Marx Smolensk State Pedagogical Institute (currently Smolensk State University). The paper considers the history of pre-publishing preparation of an article containing extracts of N. I. Rylenkov's letters. Our analysis of the epistolary discourse has revealed a complicated situation characteristic of those years, when due to the efforts of the SSPI Chair of Literature a serious work was launched to thoroughly study creations of Smolensk poets listed by A. V. Makedonov as members of the Smolensk Po­etic School (the term itself was initiated by A. V. Makedonov as far back as in 1960), and particularly its "founding fathers" − M. V. Isakovsky, A. T. Tvar­dovsky, N. I. Rylenkov. Some points of A. V. Makedonov's article, which con­tained a selection of Rylenkov's letters brightly characterizing many Soviet writers and chronicles of the literary life of the 20th century 60s, caused a dis­cussion within the editorial board responsible for Smolensk collection. This discussion itself was the focal point of A. A. Palshkov's correspondence. The interlocutors' interpersonal relations as well as techniques of their academic debates in the epistolary discourse make an issue of great interest. The materi­als used in the article are new to academic publications.


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