Philology, pedagogy, and psychology

2019 Issue №3

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English and Russian evaluative adverbs



The paper proposes an approach to determine correspondences between the relevant pairs of Russian and English evaluative adverbs. It has resulted in a list of Russian and the corresponding English pairs of adverbs. Chains of quasi-synonymous words linking the adverbs are constructed. An important feature of antonyms is the fact that negatively-oriented antonyms are marked with respect to the positive ones. The different methods for the determination of semantic metrics in the Osgood’s space are described. Usage of geodesic dis­tance between two arbitrary words enables introduction of unambiguous met­rics over the set of Russian (axes X) and English (axes Y) adverbs. Coordi­nates of antonyms and those synonyms which connect antonymous pairs are displayed in the two-dimensional English-Russian bilingual space.


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