Philology, pedagogy, and psychology

2019 Issue №2

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Algorithm for creating conceptual metaphors



In modern science, metaphor is associated with human thinking. It is an important research issue in psycholinguistics and cognitive science. The anal­ysis of the formation of a conceptual metaphor is relevant since it is a phenom­enon associated with cognitive and conceptual processes; it reflects the inter­dependence of the individual's thinking and the peculiarities of the language representation of certain concepts. Understanding the process of information transfer through conceptual metaphors is becoming one of the most important components of communication. The objective of this study is to describe the mental processes of the formation of conceptual metaphors based on a certain algorithm. The author analyses different approaches to the study of conceptual metaphor and offers a description of the role of the language corpus, categori­zation and conceptualization processes in the study of conceptual metaphors. The author employs the following methods and techniques: conceptual model­ing, componential analysis, quantitative analysis, and proposes an algorithm of conceptual metaphors formation based on the identification of metaphors of the Praglejaz Group. The author attempts to describe the formation of the fol­lowing conceptual metaphors: ECONOMY IS A LIVING BEING and ECONOMY IS A MECHANISM. The initial research shows that the pro­posed algorithm needs further improvement since it does not cover all mental operations.


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