Philology, pedagogy, and psychology

2019 Issue №1

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Evolution of the special question in English (based on examples from the Gospel of John)



The article deals with the evolution of the special question in the English language of the 10th—16th centuries. The study is conducted using examples from three versions of the Gospel of John — the Wessex Gospels of the late 10th century, the Gospel of the Wycliffe Bible (the end of the 14th century) and the Gospel of Tyndale Bible (the beginning of the XVI century). The analysis focuses on the structural and formal aspects of the problem. To demonstrate language dynamics the author identifies specific contexts containing various kinds of special questions in the three versions of the Gospel. These contexts are compared according to a number of parameters. The author structures his research in the following way: 1) definition of the special question as a type and the description of the types of special questions; 2) a brief description of the compared versions of the Gospel; 3) an inventory of question words for each version of the Gospel and a brief etymological description of each lexeme; 4) the analysis of the word order in examples taken from the three versions; 5) the analysis of the ratio of synthetic and analytical means in the construction of special questions and the study of other indicators of language dynamics and evolution; 6) observations made in the course of the research are listed.


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