Philology, pedagogy, and psychology

2019 Issue №1

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Representation of religious and confessional values of the Reformation and Protestantism in the phraseological heritage of Martin Luther



The article is devoted to the study of German phraseological units and paroemias, which go back to Martin Luther and reflect the era of the Reformation and its confessional values. The analysis showed that the unique confessional experience left a significant trace in the phraseological picture of the world of the German people. The author draws a conclusion that the conceptual foundation of set expressions is determined by the basic ideas of the Protestant creed. The main attention is paid to the representation in the phraseological units of the key provisions of the religious and moral renewal of the person, proclaimed by reformists, namely the concepts of justification by faith, Christian freedom, upbringing and education of a new person, vocation and labour as religious and spiritual values.


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