Natural and medical sciences

2018 Issue №4

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Problems of the development of pre-agglomeration (semiperipheral) municipalities on the example of the Gvardeysk urban district



The influence of agglomeration processes on nearby territories in the modern realities of spatial development of Russia is updated every day. The formation of growth points and the relationship between the center and the periphery affects both economic and social issues, and therefore there is a need to analyze the ongoing economic and demographic processes in municipalities located at different distances from the agglomeration, with the aim of developing effective tools for spatial development that affect the entire territorial socio- economic system (region) The purpose of this study is to identify the main development problems of a special type of territory — pre-agglomeration territories and to identify possible solutions. Based on the analysis of statistical data, documents of strategic planning of municipalities, as well as programs for the integrated development of transport infrastructure at the level of the Kaliningrad city agglomeration and the Gvardeysk urban district,the author justifies proposals on the formation of a contractual model for inter-municipal cooperation and modernization of the system of inter-municipal strategic planning through integrated sectoral and infrastructure programs.


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