Philology, pedagogy, and psychology

2018 Issue №4

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Verb collocations of the semantic field «Memory» with the component ‘Vergangenheit’ in the German media



The article analyzes verb collocations of the semantic field “Memory” with the component ‘Vergangenheit’, which are commonly used in German media; it describes structural, semantic and syntagmatic characteristics of the verb collocations. The source of the research data is newspaper texts corpus DWDS. The keyword "Vergangenheit" (past) can be characterized by a high syntagmatic potential that indicates the importance of the denoted concept for memory processes comprehension. The author employs a functional-communicative approach, a complex of semasiological and onomasiological methods. The composition of the collocations, the internal organizational structure of the lexical set, subjectivity and objectivity, key words’ functions, internal or external transitivity / intransitivity, structural-semantic models, series of collocations, subject codes, pragmatic components of the meanings of collocations are described. The elements of linguistic and mental memory model are revealed. The author determines the regularities of the analyzed representation of memory and past in the German language, concludes about spatio-activity interpretation of memory (identification of memory operations with movement or activity, operation on an object in this space). It is demonstrated that verb collocations model mnemic situation vividly in accordance with their antropomorphic understanding.


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