Philology, pedagogy, and psychology

Philology, pedagogy, and psychology


Historical development of the Pomor North Lexicography: a comparative analysis of the three translation dictionaries


The article describes three dictionaries compiled by three outstanding mariners who explored the Pomor North: the “Dictionary of Muscovites” compiled by the French navigator Jean Sauvage in 1586, the “Small Russian- Norwegian dictionary” written in 1907 by polar captain Alexander Kuchin and the “English-Russian Maritime Dictionary” of the Soviet sailor Fedor Shchepetov from Arkhangelsk. A detailed comparative analysis of these sources permits to illustrate different periods of the lexicographical activity in the Pomor North. The three dictionaries were compiled by the people who had got involved in translation and intercultural communication through their professional activities, as they needed specialized dictionaries for work. This influenced the selection of the vocabulary, information structuring, grammatical labels and comments. The revealed deviations from the modern lexicographic requirements shed light on the compilation process and personal professional experience of the compilers. The methodology of this research is based on a diachronic approach to studying the development of specialized maritime glossaries in the 16th and 20th centuries. The research is conducted within the frameworks of integrative translation and linguistic regional studies as a continuation of the project “History of Translation on the Pomor North” supported by the Russian Humanitarian Scientific Foundation.

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Verb collocations of the semantic field «Memory» with the component ‘Vergangenheit’ in the German media


The article analyzes verb collocations of the semantic field “Memory” with the component ‘Vergangenheit’, which are commonly used in German media; it describes structural, semantic and syntagmatic characteristics of the verb collocations. The source of the research data is newspaper texts corpus DWDS. The keyword "Vergangenheit" (past) can be characterized by a high syntagmatic potential that indicates the importance of the denoted concept for memory processes comprehension. The author employs a functional-communicative approach, a complex of semasiological and onomasiological methods. The composition of the collocations, the internal organizational structure of the lexical set, subjectivity and objectivity, key words’ functions, internal or external transitivity / intransitivity, structural-semantic models, series of collocations, subject codes, pragmatic components of the meanings of collocations are described. The elements of linguistic and mental memory model are revealed. The author determines the regularities of the analyzed representation of memory and past in the German language, concludes about spatio-activity interpretation of memory (identification of memory operations with movement or activity, operation on an object in this space). It is demonstrated that verb collocations model mnemic situation vividly in accordance with their antropomorphic understanding.

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«Only when asleep you feel alive»: life and death in the Russian linguocultural consciousness (based on Russian proverbs and sayings)


The article describes the set of maxims, revealing the attitude to life and death, typical for the Russian linguistic-cultural consciousness, on the basis of Russian proverbs and sayings. The author explains the specificity of these maxims, and provides an additional interpretation of several examples. In conclusion, the author explains the reasons for the general sense of pessimism of the Russians and reveals the fundamental intellectual basis for black humor in the analyzed linguocultural tradition.

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Chrononyms characterisitics in O. Henry’s short story Hearts and Crosses


The article focuses on lexical means of expressing time in a short story by O'Henry. The author identifies chronopuncture, chronometric and chronological markers and highlights their functions in the text. The lexical means of chronopuncture, indicating the specific time of the event, dominate in the text structure. These lexical means include indefinite, relatively definite and absolutely definite chronopuncture markers, which help the readers to orient themselves in the temporal continuum of the narrative text.

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Literature Studies

Reminiscences of Russian culture in A. S. Byatt’s novel The Children’s Book


Having considered one of the interviews, given by A. S. Byatt, the author concludes that the writer’s attitude to Russia is largely mediated by the Russian literature from Dostoevsky and Tolstoy to Pelevin. The researcher brings forward the problem of mythologization and demythologization of the image of Russia, and stresses the fact, that the fictional (Tatarinov) and real (Stepnyak, Kropotkin) images of Russian anarchists are given in the perception of the British. The author comes to the conclusion that the reminiscences of Russian culture do not so much support the national myth as they reveal the state of European culture on the eve of the First World War. The author focuses on the references to the Russian tomb (Raca or reliquary) at the beginning of the novel and Diaghilev’s ballet “Petrushka” in the last part. These reminiscences are closely related to Europe (England — Gloucester candelabrum, Germany — music by Richard Wagner, puppet theater). Therefore, raca (reliquary) is only supposedly called “Russian,” and the names of the creators of “Petrushka”, Russian composers and artists (Stravinsky, Benois, and others) are not mentioned at all. Nevertheless, the reminiscences of Russian culture unexpectedly bring together the images of religious (relic) and carnival (Petrushka doll) cultures, which are constantly “reviving” in the works of various types of art.

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The Paradise theme in G. Kh. Andersen’s tales


The Paradise theme in Andersen’s fairy tales determines the system of images, the values of the hero and the author, the type and specific features of symbolism. The article shows, how the Paradise theme is related to the categories of life and death, time and eternity. The author lays a special stress on the role of Scripture text, which organizes the hierarchy of the value-semantic space of fairy tales. In view of the Paradise theme, the researcher defines the semantic connotation of the category of border, separating the mundane vain world and the other world — the world of Beauty.

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Musical ekphrasis and musical code in N. Kononov’s novels


The article studies the representation of acoustic imagery in N. Kononov’s novels. The research focuses on musical ekphrasis and musical code in the context of all the acoustic nominations found in the texts. In the system of sensory codes, under the concept of "musical", the author puts the idea of reflection and introspection. The specific feature of Kononov’s style is its correlation with the visual and the tactile, it expresses the separation of the visible into the hidden and the obvious and emphasizes the "otherness" of the subject of perception. Thus, hearing is a means of individualization of the subject, a resource, permitting to disclose its unique personal and psychophysical features. The subjectively colored auditory is always eventful: the most important milestones in formation of personal self-consciousness correlate with musical ekphrasis. The musical code aims at giving the representation of meanings, perceived by the subject as "intimate", inimitable, possessing the quality of sensual revelation.

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Ex ungue leonem: intertextual links between Nikolai Kononov’s novel Parade and Jorge Luis Borges’s story Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius


The article states that a short story “Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius” (1940) by Jorge Luis Borges is the pretext of Nikolay Kononv’s novel “Parade” (2015). The author shows, how Kononov reproduces and, at the same time, develops the main themes from Borges’ story, resorting to geographical and anagrammatic codes, the principle of metaphorical reflection and a play upon words. The researcher interprets the hidden codes in the novel “Parade”, deciphers the names of characters, reveals allusions to the work “The City of the Sun” by Tommaso Campanella, reconstructs the semantic complex of language, philosophy and homeland, inherent in both works.

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Pedagogy and Psychology

Electronic portfolio in the system of pedagogical education as an element of the digital educational environment


Modern trends in education and educational policy are associated with a greater involvement of students in the digital learning environment through the creation and active use of electronic teaching materials. The article analyzes the place of the digital learning environment in the system of teacher training. The term "digital learning environment" is defined through the categories of "space", "subjectness", "learner’s identity", "information system", "interaction", "professional learning ability". The author discusses the specific principles of implementing digital learning environments in a new educational architecture. These principles determine the transition to microformats, to interaction and free choice of educational formats, taking into account personalized learning trajectories, to collaborative project and creative activity, to integrative multi-dimensional means of testing and control. The author concludes that while the learning environment objectively acquires the characteristics of the digital environment, it integrates the value-motivational, refleсtive, and emotional mechanisms of identity development in the learning process. In the system of higher pedagogical education, the electronic portfolio becomes an integral part of the educational process organization.

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Art as a means of developing professionally important qualities among the psychology students


The article describes the problems of development of professionally important qualities for psychology students. These qualities are dynamic, should be analyzed and subjected to conceptual and quantitative transformations, because they depend on the socio-historical context. The author provides the results of theoretical and empirical research, conducted in this field by both Russian and international scholars. Besides the traditional university format of teaching, the author suggests resorting to art for the development of professionally important qualities and considers the educational potential of literature and music for the development of emotional intelligence and other qualities necessary for a professional psychologist.

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Subject-specialized competence of a technical school teacher in the field of information security of automated systems


The article deals with the subject competence of a technical school teacher in the field of information security of automated systems. Having analyzed the pedagogical activity of a technical school teacher, the authors substantiated the urgency of the subject competence formation, defined the professional competencies, included in its structure, and characterized its components and factors of their formation, laying a special emphasis on the personal component.

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Readiness for mediation among the students with the degree in Humanities: a structural-functional model


The article analyzes the problem of determining readiness for mediation as a professional activity in the works of Russian and international researchers, in view of the growing popularity of this social and humanitarian practice both in Russia and all over the world. The author shows the differences in the interpretation of readiness for activity as well as in the requirements for training mediators in Russia, the United Kingdom and the USA. The researcher states the need for a humanist outlook and the ability to conduct social and humanitarian practices, crucial for the professional position of a mediator. According to the author, bachelors in Humanities have a certain advantage in the development of readiness for mediation. The author works out the model of readiness for mediation as a universal competence. The structure of this competence includes emotional-evaluative, conative, cognitive components and mediation practice.

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