Philology, pedagogy, and psychology

2018 Issue №1

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Don Carlos by F. Schiller in the translation of A. Mickiewicz and in the context of the Legend of the Grand Inquisitor by F. M. Dostoevsky



The author analyzes genetic connections and typological convergences of the drama «Don Carlos» by F. Schiller and the works of A. Mickiewicz and F. Dostoevsky. In the intertextual aspect, the author comes to a conclusion about the key role of the ideology of freedom and power in F. Schiller’s drama «Don Carlos», in «The Great Improvisation» by A. Mickiewicz and the legend of The Great Inquisitor by F. Dostoevsky. It is shown that F. Dostoevsky reduces the ideology of freedom and power, typical of F. Schiller and A. Mickiewicz, to the Evangelical archetype of the three temptations of Christ and the choice between freedom and power — to a metaphysical dispute about the human soul.


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