Philology, pedagogy, and psychology

2017 Issue №4

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The linguistic personality of A. V. Makedonov in the epistolary discourse of the 1990s (based on his letters to Margareta O. Thompson held in the archive of the Literary Museum of the Smolensk State University)



This article considers the speech portrait of the renowned Soviet critic A. V. Makedonov — A. T. Tvardovsky's friend and companion. Makedonov’s correspondence with Margareta O. Thompson, an American student of Tvardovsky’s oeuvre, dates back to the early 1990s. The epistolary discourse is examined from the perspective of cultural linguistics as an exemplary speech of a descendant of a Saint Petersburg intelligentsia family, born in the early 20th century and a witness to corresponding historical events. This is the first time the materials have been presented to the research community.


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