Natural and medical sciences

2017 Issue №2

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The intensity of population movements through the Russian- Polish border after the suspension of the local border traffic mechanism: 2016 outcomes



The mechanism of the local (or small) the cross-border movement is a form of cross-border cooperation. On the border between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Poland this mechanism worked from 2012 to 2016, and provided for a significant intensification of mutual border-crossing. In this case the suspension of the local border traffic regime on the Polish side, as well as the regime itself, caused a mixed reaction among both Polish and Russian regional experts and specialists. The article provides the analysis of the mutual intensity of the Russian-Polish border crossing in the period from 2002 to 2016. The author analyzes the contribution made by the cross-border movement mechanism to the development of relations between the border regions of the neighboring countries. The article concludes that in spite of shortcomings and negative effects for both countries, the mechanism of the mechanism of local border traffic in 2015, launched in 2012, became an important development tool for socio-cultural and business contacts between Kaliningrad and the neighboring province of the Republic of Poland. Rejection of this instrument seriously affected the intensity of the local contacts between the regions located on both sides of the border.


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