Philology, pedagogy, and psychology

2017 Issue №1

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Evolution of Andrey Bolkonsky’s axiological worldview in Leo Tolstoy’s War and Peace



This article examines the value system hierarchy of one of the novel’s central characters, who is often considered a ‘projection’ of the author’s personality. Oppositions emerging in the character’s mind (war/peace, lie/truth, earth/sky, greatness/worthlessness, glory/vanity), which are identified in the course of analysis, make it possible to track changes in the character’s worldview and its evolution along his way to harmony.


1. Бочаров С. Г. «Мир» в «Войне и мире» // Бочаров С. Г. О художественных мирах. М., 1985. С. 229—248.
2. Гинзбург Л. Я. О психологической прозе. Л., 1977.
3. Лотман Ю. М. Беседы о русской культуре: Быт и традиции русского дворянства (XVIII — начало XIX века). СПб., 1994.
4. Толстой Л. Н. Собр. соч. : в 20 т. М., 1960—1965.