Philology, pedagogy, and psychology

2016 Issue №4

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Modern approaches to university physical education: the experience of incorporating a fitness programme in the curriculum



The article explores new approaches to physical education in university. One of the ways to ensure modernization of physical education is the incorporation of various fitness programmes in the elective part of the curriculum. The author describes the impact of fitness programmes on learning outcomes and characterizes them as a form of activity. The article examines the experience of introducing Zumba® Fitness international dance fitness programme to the elective part of the "Physical education" curriculum for the first, second and third year students of the Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University.


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3. Перез Б., Робинстон П., Херлонг К. Руководство для инструкторов по фитнес-программе «Зумба». Флорида, США, 2011.