Philology, pedagogy, and psychology

2016 Issue №2

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The motif of light and the criticism of the autonomous subject in the works of I. Murdoch



The article considers the Heideggerian principle of autonomy as a philosophical principle of self-dependence of Being, and its actualization in Murdoch’s works. The motif of autonomous reason as a «barrier»against the light of Being, the motif of mechanization of thought and feeling in the world of metaphysics completing itself, together with Platonic motifs and the esthetic diagnosis of the «death of light» in the 20th century (H. Zedlmayr), form the poetology of light in Murdoch’s works in the context of the abandonment of Beingthemed in the West European art and culture of the 20th century.


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8. Murdoch I. A Fairly Honourable Defeat // : [сайт]. URL: (дата обращения: 05.02.2016).
9. Murdoch I. An Accidental Man // Ibid.
10. Murdoch I. Henry and Cato // Ibid.
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12. Murdoch I. The Nice and the Good // : [сайт]. URL: (дата обращения: 05.02.2016).
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