The humanities and social science

2015 Issue №12

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Filling the space between two opposite parties: Edward Stanleyand a centre party



The article investigates Edward Stanley’s attempt to establish a centre party in 1834—1835. Based in unpublished sources and recent historical studies, the author identifies the causes of the failure of this project. These causes were both subjective – for instance, the King’s influence and Stanley’s personality – and objective, i.e the well-timed consolidation of the Whigs and the Tories.


1. «Кредо Ноусли» и Тамвортский манифест 1834 года (компаративный анализ) // Ретроспектива: всемирная история глазами молодых исследователей. Калининград, 2015. Вып. 9. С. 27—37.
2. British electoral facts, 1832—2012 / ed. by C. Rallings and M. Thrasher. L., 2012.
3. Disraeli B. Coningsby or the New Generation. L., 1844. Vol. 1.
4. English historical documents, 1833—1874 / ed. by G. M. Young and W. D. Handcock. L., 1956.
5. Gash N. Sir Robert Peel. The life of Sir Robert Peel after 1830. L., 1972.
6. Graham MSS (Manusctipts). Microfilms. Bodleian Library, Oxford.
7. Hawkins A. The Forgotten Prime Minister: the 14th Earl of Derby. Oxford, 2007. Vol. 1: Ascent, 1799—1851.
8. Inauguration of Lord Stanley // The Times. 1834. 22 Dec. P. 3.
9. Jones W. D. Lord Derby and Victorian conservatism. Oxford, 1956.
10. London, Friday, February 27, 1835 // The Times. 1835. 27 Febr. P. 6.
11. London, Thursday, January 15, 1835 // The Times. 1835. 15 Jan. P. 6.
12. Lord Melbourne's papers / ed. by L. Ch. Sanders. L., 1889.
13. Lord Stanley’s Address to the Elections of the Northern Division of the County Palatine of Lancaster // The Time. 1835. 6 Jan. P. 5.
14. Malmesbury, earl of. Memoirs of an Ex-Minister. An Autobiography. L., 1885.
15. Murrey J. Sir Robert Peel's address to the Electors of the Borough of Tamworth // The Quarterly Review. 1834. Vol. 53. P. 261—287.
16. O’Connell’s speech in the House of Commons, 27 February 1835. URL: http:// (дата обращения: 06.05.2015).
17. Peel R. Memoirs. L., 1858.
18. Stanley’s speech in the House of Commons, 1 April 1835. URL: (дата обращения: 06.05.2015).
19. Stanley’s speech in the House of Commons, 25 February 1835. URL: (дата обращения: 06.05.2015).
20. Tamworth Manifesto // The Times. 1834. 18 Dec. P. 2.
21. The Croker papers / ed. by L. J. Jennings. L., 1884. Vol. 2.