Philology, pedagogy, and psychology

2016 Issue №1

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Cognitive and speech characteristics of an author of a mnemonic text



The focus of the article is on various aspects of the creative identity of an author of a mnemonic text represented by the concept of cognitive and communicative subject. The features of the author’s cognitive, communicative, discursive, and linguistic identities are described and the ways of their representation are shown in the case of the memoirs of the Lithuanian writer B. Sruoga Dievų miškas. The term ‘mnemonic discourse’ is introduced as a linguistic phenomenon connecting texts with the general mental and psychological framework of reminiscence and the system of typological signs and similar stylistic features. The interaction between scientific, historical, and art discourses associated with the creation of a mnemonic text is described. The author pays attention to the textual representation of the national and cultural components of mnemonic authors’ linguistic pictures of the world as a crucial component of their self-expression – the main purpose of memoirs.


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