Natural and medical sciences

2015 Issue №7

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Social study of psychoavtive substance abuse in the Baltic region state: The Russian component of the international study



This article presents the Russian contrinution to the international study "Alcohol and drug prevention among youth in Baltic Sea region" (ADPY), implemented in 2012-2013 with the participation of municipalities from four European countries – Sweden, Norway, Lithuania, and Russia (two districts of the Kaliningrad region). The study aimed to collect comparable data on alcohol, drug, and other psychoactive substance abuse in 15-16 year olds. This article analyses the feautures of substance abuse in youth in the town of Bagrationovsk, including risks associated with substance abuse, the influence of family and social environment, and the attitudes of young people to the substance abuse problem. The data obtained can be used as a tool for local specialstis and policymakers active in the field of substance abuse prevention in youth in the process of preventive work at the local level.


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