Natural and medical sciences

2014 Issue №1

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On the discovery of rare and extinct plant species in the Kaliningrad region



This article focuses on the history of some rare species in the Kaliningrad region. The authors provide information on new locations of the species’ occurrence in the Kaliningrad region. The article contains a schematic map of new discoveries of rare and extinct species in the Kaliningrad region. A geobotanical analysis of the mentioned biotopes is conducted. The authors present preliminary qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the cenopopulations of these species.


1. Красная книга Калининградской области / под ред. В. П. Дедкова, Г. В. Гришанова. Калининград, 2010.
2. Red Data Book of East Fennoscandia. Helsinki, 1998.
3. Abromeit J., Neuhoff W., Steffen H. et al. Flora von Ost- und Westpreussen. Berlin,1898.
4. Конспект сосудистых растений Калининградской области / под ред.В. П. Дедкова. Калининград, 1999.
5. Торфяной фонд Калининградской области // отв. ред. А. С. Оленин. М., 1952.