Physics, mathematics, and technology

2013 Issue №10

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Teoretical nonstationary two-dimensional modal with altitude-longitudinal variations of ionosphere parameters



By means of mathematical two-dimensional nonstationary model mechanisms of formation of longitudinal effect in a middle-latitude ionosphere are probed and is shown that one of main engines is the thermosphere wind in combination with earth magnetic field geometry. Model calculations of dependence of longitudinal effects in middle-latitude F-area from levels of geomagnetic and solar activity are carried out. It is shown that with increase in a geomagnetic disturbance the behavior of electronic concentration as a whole corresponds to the negative phase of a substorm. However, in some longitudinal sectors increase of electronic concentration that is explained by hobby of ionospheric plasma for a termosphere wind is watched. Thus DYE amplitude is supervised by changes of absolute value, amplitude and a phase of longitudinal profiles of the meridional and zonal components of speed of a neutral wind. To growth of solar activity there is an increase in electronic concentration in a maximum of F2 of a layer, also inc reases hmF2.


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