Philology, pedagogy, and psychology

2013 Issue №8

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Brothers “in the fifth season of the year, the sixth sense and the fourth dimension”: the space of heaven in the poetical world of M. Tsvetaeva



The space of heaven in the poetic world of M. Tsvetaeva is considered as a hierarchically and semantically complex space structure. The author identifies the specific features of the heaven spacium levels and describes the three main tiers of heaven, namely, the entry to heaven, the mountain space of the “divine youths, and the top of the mountain. The article justifies the reasons behind the rapid movement of the poet towards the space of ‘other’ being. The author addresses the issue of the poet’s godlikeness.


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4. Гаспаров М. Л. «Поэма Воздуха» Марины Цветаевой: опыт интерпретации // Гаспаров М. Л. Избранные труды : в 3 т. М., 1997. Т. 2 : О стихах.
5. Рильке Р. М., Пастернак Б., Цветаева М. Письма 1926 года. М., 1990.