The humanities and social science

2013 Issue №3

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On the establishment of state borders and delimitation of marine areas of the Russian Federation in the Kaliningrad region zone



This article considered the stage and features of formation of the state border with Poland and Lithuania, as well as the delimitation of the Russian marine area in the Kaliningrad region zone. The Polish border was established by the Soviet-Polish border agreement of 1945. It was of astronomical nature and did not take into account the earlier administrative and economic structure of East Prussia. Since 1993, representatives of the Kaliningrad region participated in the negotiation on the Russian-Lithuanian border. This border replicated the Lithuanian-German border of 1928 and was of orographic nature. The termination of negotiation on the state border of the Russian Federation and the delimitation of marine areas in the Baltic Sea with Lithuania, Poland, and Sweden in 2005 made it possible to define the geographical parameters of the territory of the Kaliningrad region and adjacent territorial waters and the Russian exclusive economic zone.


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