Physics, mathematics, and technology

2012 Issue №10

Multiple RuO2-chip thermometer for applications in 0,02—30 K range


A multiple RuO2-chip thermometer based on commercial Vishay RCW575 chips for applications in 0,02—30 K range is proposed. Possible design and packaging of the sensor are suggested. Thermometer saturation and thermal resistance of our sensor are measured and compared with a single-chip configuration and commercial Lakeshore ROX-102A thermometer.

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Effect of crystallite size of powder on NQR relaxation time


The experimental study of the influence of the effect size of the crystallites in the powders on the form and the width of the 35Cl NQR lines in the potassium chlorate, as well as the spin-spin and spin-lattice relaxation is described. It is established that the width of the NQR lines in the direct method of detection is increased, and the relaxation times are reduced with a decrease in the average crystallite size, which is due, mainly, due the process of spin-spin diffusion. To obtain the distribution of relaxation times used a multi-exponential inversion of the recessions of the longitudinal and transverse components of the nuclear magnetization.

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