Modeling the formation of ion shadows behind a positively charged microsatellite in an oxygen plasma by the molecular dynamics method
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mathematical modeling, thermal plasma, molecular dynamics method, charged satellite, ion shadow
A modeling the interaction of a oxygen plasma with a positively charged microsatellite with the molecular dynamics modeling method
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mathematical modeling, thermal plasma, molecular dynamics method, charged satellite
Simulating of ion and electron trajectories in thermal plasma in electric field of a satellite by the molecular dynamic method
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mathematical modeling, molecular dynamics method, parallel programming.
An algorithm and model of data saving for solving the problem of satellite-plasma interaction by the molecular dynamic method using the CUDA technology
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mathematical modeling, molecular dynamics method, parallel programming.
2D modeling of ion shadow behind a charged satellite by the method of molecular dynamics
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Sharamet A., Zinin L., Ishanov S., Matsievsky S.
mathematical modeling, molecular dynamics method, parallel programming
Simulation of ion distribution near charged satellite by molecular dynamics simulation method. 2D approximation
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Zinin L., Ishanov S., Sharamet A., Matsievsky S.
mathematical modeling, charged satellite, method of molecular dynamics, parallel programming.