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In memory of Tamara B. Dlugach (19.08.1935—18.05.2023)



Dlugach, T. B., 1986a. Denis Diderot. Second Edition. M.: Mysl‘. (In Rus.)

Dlugach, T. B., 1986b. Problema edinstva teorii i praktiki v nemetskoy klassicheskoy filosofii (I. Kant i J.G. Fikhte) [The Problem of the Unity of Theory and Practice in German Classical Philosophy (I. Kant and J. G. Fichte)]. M.: Nauka. (In Rus.)

Dlugach, T. B., 2006. Tri portreta epokhi Prosveshche­niya. Monteskye. Volter. Russo (ot kontseptsii prosveshchennogo absolyutizma k teoriyam grazhdanskogo obshchestva) [Three Portraits of the Age of Enlightenment. Montesquieu. Voltaire. Rousseau (From the Concept of Enlightened Absolutism to Theories of Civil Society)]. M.: Kanon+. (In Rus.)

Dlugach, T. B., 2008. Podvig zdravogo smysla, ili rozhdeniye idei suverennoy lichnosti (Golbakh. Gelvetsiy. Russo) [The Exploit of Common Sense, or The Birth of the Idea of the Sovereign Individual (Holbach, Helvetius, Rousseau)]. M.: Kanon+. ROOI “Reabilitatsiya”. (In Rus.)

Dlugach, T. B., 2010. Ot Kanta k Fikhte: sravnitelno-istoricheskiy analiz [From Kant to Fichte: A Comparative-Historical Analysis]. Second Edition. M.: Kanon+. (In Rus.)

Dlugach, T. B., 2011. Dve filosofskiye refleksii: ot Golbakha k Kantu: sravnitelno-istoricheskiy analiz [Two Philosophical Reflections: From Holbach to Kant. A Comparative-Historical Analysis]. M.: Kanon+. (In Rus.)

Kant, I., 1994. Werke. Zweisprachige deutsch-russische Ausgabe. Edited by N. Motroschilova and B. Tuschling. Volume 1: Treatises and Articles (1764—1796). Moscow: Kami.

Kant, I., 2001. Werke. Zweisprachige deutsch-russische Ausgabe. Ed. by N. Motroschilova and B. Tuschling. Volume 4: Critique of Judgment. First Introduction to the Critique of Judgment. Edited by N. Motroshilova, T. Dlugach, B. Tuschling and U. Vogel. Мoscow: Nauka.

Kant, I., 2006. Werke. Zweisprachige deutsch-russische Ausgabe. Ed. by N. Motroschilova and B. Tuschling. Volume 2: Parts 1 and 2: Critique of Pure Reason. Edited by N. Motroschilova, B. Tuschling, T. Dlugach and U. Vogel. Мoscow: Nauka.