Baltic accent

2019 Vol. 10 №4

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The philosophy of the text as texts of philosophy



The conceptualization of the philosophy of the text requires a preliminary idea about the ways of the textual presentation of philosophy as such. At the same time, philosophical views per se are difficult to classify and systematize — at best, they are arranged by eras and cultural-ethnic factors. In this regard, it seems fruitful and justified not to build various rationalistic constructions but to take an open look at the very existence of philosophizing. From such perspectives, philosophy appears not so much a single, monolithic, and strictly ordered system as a ‘system of systems’ that are interrelated, interconnected, and reminiscent of Ludwig Wittgenstein's ‘family of language games’. Philosophy is a universal, ultimate understanding of the world, society, human beings, and their self-determination in this rea­lity. In this interpretation, being in itself appears as a text. Philosophizing as such is reali­zed in various forms of textualization, which are the focus of this article. Verbal textualization (sing­le words, paremia, aphoristics, parables, detailed plots, hermeneutic interpretations, con­ceptual systems) does not exclude visual, activity-driven textualizations and their mutual translations. Philosophy is capable of taking on diverse, dissimilar forms. It is as diversified as the paths of human self-determination, self-awareness, self-explanation, and self-justification. The­refore, the claims to exclusiveness and validity of any one way to textualize philosophizing do not seem justified.


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