The Baltic Region

2009 Issue №2

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Competitiveness of the Economies of Border Regions



The article is dedicated to the problem of competitiveness of border regions as subjects of the Russian Federation having specific characteristics. The authors focus on the stages, during which border regions build their competitiveness, as well as analyse certain indices characterizing it. They examine the role of these regions in the development of international trade and economic relations, cross-border cooperation and international integration, taking the North-west federal district and the Republic of Karelia as a case-study. The article describes the mechanisms of building and increasing competitiveness of border regions in today’s Russia both in general and, particularly, in the Republic of Karelia as a border region of the North-west federal district.


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3. Ушвицкий Л. И., Парахина В. Н. Конкурентоспособность региона как но­вая реалия: сущность, методы оценки, современное состояние // Сборник на­учных трудов СевКавГТУ. Сер. Экономика. 2005. № 1.